Sestak: Get people working, then tackle deficit

By Rep. Joe Sestak, candidate in Democratic primary for senator


“One year after facing the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression, our nation is recovering. The economy that President Barack Obama inherited was shedding more than 700,000 jobs every month. We’re now on pace to add 95,000 jobs a month this year. An economy that shrank 6 percent in the final months of the Bush administration grew 5 percent last quarter — the strongest rebound in 30 years…

“To return to healthy employment levels, we need 11 million new jobs by the end of next year — nearly 600,000 jobs every month. That will require a major investment in job creation. However, for our recovery to be sustainable, we also have to face our other economic challenge: a soaring deficit and debt…

“Reducing the deficit and debt is a long-term challenge. Joblessness is an immediate crisis. If we confuse the two we run the risk of making both worse.”…

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. I vote Yes to Sestak!!

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