“Unwritten rule to stay out of Lancaster County”

As a state representative told me in confidence a few years ago, the convention center avenue to generate city revitalization is nothing more than moving the money.  Harrisburg is lobbied for people like High Industries constantly.  It is an unwritten rule to stay out of Lancaster County as High would NOT bid on projects in other counties with respect.

The monies generated from Harrisburg are merely favors returned for our legislatures votes in favor of other county projects.  To generate income for projects, the term is called TAX.  This vicious cycle will eventually put this whole county in the dumpster sooner than later.

We see this on all levels of government.  Until the taxpayers as well as those that are mandated to collect these taxes stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, this cycle will continue to our children and grandchildren.  There is just too much business done behind closed doors and when it gets to the public is pretty much a done deal…

I am waiting for the group to visit the County Commissioners and ask for more money.  When that day happens, the three commissioners better do as they promised and not give an inch.
