What is it with Manheim Township concerning the Crossings hearings?

If nothing else, the Manheim Township administration and commissioners seem to be snake bitten when it comes to scheduling, locating and properly advertising hearings concerning Dale High’s proposed Crossings Shopping Center.

This is what we just received from a contributor:

“The lawyer for Manheim Twp. said that ‘they made a mistake’ in announcing tonight’s public hearing with public comment on the Crossings project for 5:30 p.m. The starting time is 6:30 p.m.

“It will be held at the Manheim  Twp. Municipal Building. Everyone who is concerned about the congestion that will result from an estimated 4,000 car trips on roadways in Manheim Twp. (Harrisburg Pike and Plaza Blvd.) and East Hempfield Twp. (Farmingdale Rd., Oreville Rd., Good Dr. and Rohrerstown Rd.) should attend this meeting. This meeting is the final opportunity for the public to comment on High’s plans.

“The Commissioners have scheduled its vote on the Crossings for Thursday, Dec. 22, just before two commissioners are retired from the board. ”

It is hard enough to get home, grab a bite, kiss the spouse, and run off to a 6:30 meeting.  Telling  the public that the meeting is at 5:30 PM is tantamount to making sure that few will show up.


1 Comment

  1. What else can you expect from politicians? Confuse the public by making last minute changes, disseminating bad information, etc.

    No doubt they will bow down to Dale High just like the city did with the convention center.

    In fact, the lame duck county commissioners left the city and county with an expensive white elephant and now the township commissioners are playing the same game with two lame duck members.

    And politicians wonder why they have such a bad image.

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