Tag: featured

LETTER: Economics 1 A in 2 minutes 15 seconds

The response to this video online has been just phenomenal—it really seems to have struck a chord—so we’re sending it out to every single MoveOn member today. What is it? It’s former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explaining what went wrong with America’s economy in just 2 minutes and 15 seconds—with illustrations to boot. It’s great, and it’s going viral.


A lead story at LancasterOnLine.com is “Man exposes himself to 2 women in Leacock Township.” It continues: “A motorcyclist exposed himself to two women in Leacock Township on Wednesday, police said. The women, who are in their 20s, were cutting grass at an Amish school at Hollow and Ridge roads shortly before 2:30 p.m., state police said.”

LETTER: CV vs. CC: What is wrong with this picture?

The secretive sale of Conestoga View was a big deal, but most definitely not worth repeated World War III sized headlines. On the other hand, the PROVEN secretive deals behind the downtown Lancaster hotel and convention center project were far more numerous AND far more costly to taxpayers; after all, the project involved TEN TIMES as many taxpayer dollars as the Conestoga View sale.

A damnable and demonic lie

…These were our commissioners doing our work, and the belligerent, arrogant, self important, self righteous, response by the Partners through their spokespeople was the most high handed, anti-democratic tactic I have seen in my life. Not a single question was answered by corporations that were using every bit of public money available…

Larry Summers: More Stimulus Needed For Jobs Crisis

From the HUFFPOST / REUTERS: Even with the massive 2008-2009 policy effort that successfully prevented financial collapse and depression, the United States is now halfway to a lost economic decade. Over the last five years, from the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2011, the U.S. economy’s growth rate averaged less than 1 percent a year, about like Japan during the period when its bubble burst.

George Soros: A great Hungarian American

Regardless of how they earned their great wealth, the Watchdog holds in highest esteem the philanthropic efforts of three great role models: Andrew Carnegies who funded libraries across the country as well as Carnegie Hall; John D. Rockefeller who is largely responsible for modern medicine;

Economy was purposefully undermined

According to USA TODAY, President Obama said Saturday there is no “quick fix to our economic problems,” but that his administration is working with industry to try and create jobs. “The truth is, we didn’t get into this mess overnight, and we won’t get out of it overnight,” Obama said in his weekly radio address. “It’s going to take time.”…

LETTER: Fire Fighters compensations

Firefighters are paid on a scale based on current position, years of service and specialized training. Most firefighters make a base salary somewhere around an average $55K.

There are two ranks of unionized firefighters who make wages between 62-70K, Captains and Battalion Chiefs. These positions are responsible for incident management and day-to-day operational supervision of the firefighters, therefor make more.

LETTER: Operating a full time fire department costs money

Demands? I think using that term shows how polarized this issue has become – and by this issue I don’t just mean city firefighters’ negotiations, I mean the whole union vs. the world foolishness. The city firefighters have expressed in very plain terms their desire to maintain some modicum of safety and basic response capabilities for the city fire department.