Tag: featured

LETTER: Focus on what really matters

The war on drugs really is a fallacy; a contradiction in terms. We can not legislate moral behavior as we have the right to judge for ourselves what is moral to each of us individually. This drug war policy empowers thugs with money, guns and wreaks havoc in our society; fills our jails with victims/innocent men and women struggling with emotional issues and addiction.


Editorial “Big pay raises in White House” states: “the economic slump is hard on American workers (and their families) … unless they work in the White House. The average White House staff salary is nearly $82,000 – 65 percent above the median U. S. Household income.”

More restrictions needed for PA first-time drivers

From the INQUIRER: …Despite several years of legislative back-and-forth, Pennsylvania remains a holdout among only a handful of states that have yet to impose stricter limits on first-time drivers. Some proposals would strengthen seat-belt requirements, although they stop short of the needed reform of allowing police to ticket motorists solely for driving without belts…

Speaking about addiction from own experience

I read with interest and sadness the letter to NewsLanc about the young man who lost much of his life due to his drug addiction. While it is understandable that the writer, who had to support the addict, would not support the legalization of marijuana, which s/he believed led to a cocaine addiction, blaming pot for a coke addiction is off point.

Sierra Club: Pa. is violating law by allowing gas drilling

From the INQUIRER: A leading environmental group has written to the National Park Service alleging that Pennsylvania is violating federal law by allowing natural gas drilling activity on protected state lands. The Sierra Club says the state should halt all drilling and permitting in state parks and forests until it complies with review requirements under a federal law that dates to the mid-1960s, the Land and Water Conservation Act.

Easier E-Z passes

INQUIRER: The dizzying variation in toll charges levied on motorists whose cars all seem to carry the same E-ZPass transponder is becoming more than an annoyance…

As the special deals proliferate, motorists will be confused as to which E-ZPass issuer to get their transponder from. Some may even decide the annoyance outweighs the convenience of paying tolls electronically, and bypass the system altogether. That wouldn’t be good for anyone.

Cuddling May Be Key to Long-Term Happy Relationship

HEALTH DAY NEWS: Cuddling and caressing help boost satisfaction in long-term relationships, according to a new study of middle-aged and older couples.

The study also found that tenderness is more important to men than to women, that men are more likely to report being happy in their relationship, and that women are more likely to be satisfied with their sexual relationship, said the researchers from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University.

The study included more than 1,000 couples from the United

How good a senator is Bob Casey?

…A Junior US Senator is not a good position to be a “star”. The Senate structure and tradition works against that. Still, the “carpet bagger” senator from NY, Hillary Clinton, worked very hard in her first Senate term and won over a strong majority of her constituents.

Medicaid payments go under the knife

From USA TODAY: To curb rising Medicaid costs, about a dozen states are starting a new budget year by reducing payments to doctors, hospitals and other health care providers that treat the poor. “Further depressing payment rates can only worsen the situation,” says Sara Rosenbaum, chair of the health policy department at George Washington University. She says some states cutting rates — such as South Carolina— already have severe Medicaid physician shortages.

A Question for Reflection on the 4th of July

By Kevin Zeese It is a shame to have to ask whether democracy is a mirage in the United States, no doubt most Americans would rather be celebrating U.S. democracy than questioning it. But the reality of the disconnect between government and the people has become so stark it is impossible to ignore.

Spending Showdown Reveals Norquist’s Power

From NEWSMAX: Without a bipartisan agreement this summer to reduce the federal deficit and raise the debt limit, the economy could suffer a horrendous blow, leaders of both parties say. If that happens, some will point fingers at a bearded, slightly disheveled man who’s barely known outside political circles in Washington.