Tag: featured


“But residents of School Lane Hills and Barrcrest neighborhoods, near the site of the new rail yard, weren’t so enthused. They didn’t oppose relocation of the rail yard per se, but worried about the impact the new yard could have on their community.

Why pay people for doing nothing?

The following is from “No Ordinary Time” by Doris Kearns Goodwin: “Under [Harry] Hopkins resourceful leadership, the WPA [Works Project Administration] employed two million people a month. It built thousands of schools , libraries, parks, sidewalks and hospitals.

LETTER: Annual “I stand with Molly” day at Longs Park

Lets have a Molly Henderson Day next year on the anniversary of the Chester County court throwing out her case. Celebrate the whole day with a picnic and rally at Longs Park with 10,000 attendees, circulate petitions there for a new political party (The Freedom Party?) bring our own lunches/dinners, American flags, lawn chairs, noise makers, speakers (fire and brimstone guys and gals just for the fun of it), have music and dancing and announce the winner of a Molly Henderson song contest, pass out the words and sing it.

LETTER: “Run these guys out of town”

Needs to be a book; maybe even “fiction” to avoid frivolous lawsuits by private entities using public funds, like the LCCCA spending 7 million dollars in public money to advance the interests of the private PSP, while keeping the public in the dark through control of the media.


Editorial “A broken promise on health reform” states “President Obama’s promise to rein in health care costs as part of his health reform plan apparently has fallen by the way side. A 10-year forecast by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shows total health spending growing annually by 5.8 percent under the president’s Affordable Care Act.

Csepel Garden Shelter in Budapest

The reflection is of the Watchdog viewing a commemorative plaque at the Csepel Garden Shelter in Budapest, Hungary. It houses as many as 130 homeless men and also serves 180 hot lunches per day for the poor and the homeless.

The shelter was a joint effort of the Hungarian Red Cross, the local district government, and the American House Foundation, founded and headed by Richard Field, a graduate of McCaskey High School. The former workers hotel in an inner city industrial location was acquired and the conversion was completed earlier this year.

Please bring back Ernie Schreiber!

The Watchdog has gotten out his resume and is contemplating the future and, in part, it is due to the retirement of former New Era editor Ernie Schreiber. Upon return from a four day trip to Eastern Europe, the Watchdog eagerly perused recent New Era editorials for grist for his own column.

Pa., N.J. officials question costs of tough sentencing

From the INQUIRER: As states across the country struggle with anemic revenue, officials are taking a harder look at one subset of government that eats huge chunks of taxpayer money: prisons. Corrections officials on both sides of the Delaware say the “get tough on crime” philosophy that has governed prison operations since the early 1980s must change. It’s expensive and, in many cases, it’s not working.