Tag: featured

Can the Middle Class Be Saved?

From ATLANTIC MONTHLY: In October 2005, three Citigroup analysts released a report describing the pattern of growth in the U.S. economy. To really understand the future of the economy and the stock market, they wrote, you first needed to recognize that there was “no such animal as the U.S. consumer,” and that concepts such as “average” consumer debt and “average” consumer spending were highly misleading.

Get all you want or burn the house down

If you were looking for a no compromise, take no prisoners, combative, ideologue to sit on a bi-partisan panel to work out a partisan deal who would be better that Pat Toomey? Republicans gave up nothing and gained everything in the last “deal”, and did so by being so tough they would not blink at disaster in order to win.

Watching Toomey’s line in the sand

From the MORNING CALL: When Don Adams of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association heard about Pat Toomey’s selection to the exclusive debt supercommittee, he sighed with relief. With Toomey, a freshman Republican U.S. senator, Adams said he feels solace that someone will be on the panel who shares his belief that big government impedes economic growth, and who will be “reminding [the 11 other] committee members every day.”

Study: Pa. students held to mid-level standards

From the PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE The report card is out, and Pennsylvania again landed in the middle of the pack in the rigor of its state testing standards. The National Center for Education Statistics released a report Wednesday that shows how proficiency standards for state tests measure up against each other and against the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, often known as the Nation’s Report Card.

Fed forced to consider fresh stimulus

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: …First, the Fed could launch an “Operation Twist” on the yield curve, selling short-term Treasuries and buying long-dated bonds with the aim of driving down long-term yields. But the Fed considered buying longer-term assets last November and explicitly decided not to.

Look Again–July Jobs DECLINED by 198,000

From JACK RASMUS: On Friday, August 5, the employment numbers were released by the US Department of Labor for July jobs. The Current Establishment Survey (CES), referred to as the payroll report, indicated 117,000 jobs were created in July. That was more than the general forecast of 85,000 by economists, although still well below the 150,000 a month needed to absorb new entrants into the labor force…

Jackie O tapes reveal how she believed Lyndon B Johnson killed JFK

From MAILONLINE: Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal… The tapes were recorded with leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr within months of the assassination on November 22, 1963, and had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston…


“But the idea that a bigger stimulus would have ‘fixed’ the structural problems back in 2009, or that an additional stimulus would solve them today just seems to me wrongheaded. I understand and appreciate the Keynesian impulse — that government action can prevent or mitigate the pain of economic dislocation. But there’s no political will for it anymore.”