Tag: featured

Intell / New Era reverts to past bad practices when it comes to CC articles

In the immortal words of the great sports philosopher, catcher and bad pitch hitter Yogi Berra, “déjà vu, all over again!” Article “Lancaster County Convention Center woes to trickle down” opens with three self exculpatory and self serving paragraphs and then ‘jumps’ to page A-5 to report the disaster that is about to befall the Lancaster County Tourist Center as its funding is allocated to paying Convention Center debt service.

Importance of the EU and the Eurozone

From a long term geopolitical standpoint it would be a disaster if the Eurozone disintegrates; especially for the United States and other western countries. The EU is the West’s most strongest softpower tool. The thought of someday joining the EU entices countries to align themselves with Western interests…

Is the media condoning male prison rape?

If NewsLanc or others were to kid about rape of women in prison, we would be subject to a fire storm of female protestation… and deservedly. Yet the airways are filled, including even the more erudite talk shows, with kidding about the fate of former Illinois governor Rob Blagojevich while serving a draconian sentence to fourteen years in prison.

Penn State’s New Villain: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett

From NEWSWEEK: …Kathleen Kane, who is running for attorney general, is a Democrat, while Corbett is a Republican. But Kane was also an assistant district attorney in Lackawanna County who specialized in cases of sexual abuse for 12 years. She told me that in any case where authorities know of an alleged sexual predator believed to have committed a crime…