Tag: featured

Why do we allow priority security lanes at airports?

If you have flown in recent years, you may have noted expedited treatment via special lines for first class and business patrons during the security process.

Of course there is nothing the matter with business and first class passengers receiving special benefits from the airlines. They are paying for it and it is a private business arrangement.

The making of the American 99%

And here was another thing many in the middle class were discovering: The downward plunge into poverty could occur with dizzying speed. One reason the concept of an economic 99 per cent first took root in the US rather than, say, Ireland or Spain is that Americans are particularly vulnerable to economic dislocation.


Editorial entitled “Trampling rights” opines: “Last week, the Obama administration gave its tacit approval to the National Defense Authorization Act — a measure that would require military custody of terrorist suspects and allow for their indefinite detention without due process…