Tag: featured

Report concerning needs of Lancaster Public Library (Duke Street)

Lancaster Public Library (LPL) required a new Strategic Plan to guide it through the 2012-2014 period. To assist in this effort, the Library requested and received a Capacity Building Grant from the Lancaster County Community Foundation. The grant allowed the Library to conduct a broad user needs study in the communities we serve and to translate these needs into a strategic services and funding action plan.


Editorial “The Saga that is … Penn State” states “Under legislation introduced earlier this month by two Pennsylvania lawmakers… witnesses of child abuse would be legally obligated to report it to authorities, not merely to supervisor.”

Can Juries Ignore ‘Immoral’ Laws by Nullifying Them?

From the DAILY BEAST: What can a jury do to protest an “immoral” law? Return a verdict of “not guilty” to nullify it… The basic idea of nullification springs from two bedrocks of the American system of jurisprudence: that jurors cannot be punished for and need not explain the verdict they deliver (which means nullification is to some extent in the eye of the beholder), and the “double jeopardy” clause of the Fifth Amendment, which prohibits a person from being tried twice for the same crime.

Paying for the news: Media companies push online readers to open their wallets

From the GLOBE AND POST: …In 2012, [paywalls are] moving from experimentation to operational,” said Ken Doctor, a U.S. media analyst and author of Newsonomics. The need for newspapers to quickly adopt a digital subscription model is gaining momentum, he believes, and it’s crucial that companies establish the value of digital content in the minds of readers now.

Major health care changes took effect in 2011

From USA TODAY: ….In 2011, the [Affordable Care Act] targeted specific groups of people — mostly the young and senior citizens — while the most argued about pieces won’t come until 2014. Then, assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t rule against the “individual mandate,” the provision that requires most Americans to buy health insurance…

Siobhan Reynolds, a true hero, RIP

From THE AGITATOR: I’m saddened to learn this morning that Siobhan Reynolds died over the weekend in a plane crash. I met Reynolds several years ago when I attended a forum on Capitol Hill on the under-treatment of pain. Her story about her husband’s chronic pain was so heartbreaking it moved me to take an interest in the issue.

Report slams response to nuclear crisis

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: …Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the Fukushima plant, and its regulators were so unprepared for a major nuclear emergency that they lacked even the basic safety measures to respond to a disaster of the scale that hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the wake of the March 11 tsunami, the committee states in an interim report of its findings…