Tag: featured

U.S. Warns Israel on Strike

From WALL STREET JOURNAL: U.S. defense leaders are increasingly concerned that Israel is preparing to take military action against Iran, over U.S. objections, and have stepped up contingency planning to safeguard U.S. facilities in the region in case of a conflict.

Penn State alumni rail about how scandal was handled

From the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Hundreds of Pennsylvania State University alumni packed the Radisson Hotel in King of Prussia on Thursday night, many proudly wearing blue-and-white jerseys and brimming with criticism of the university’s handling of the child sex-abuse scandal that has gripped the university for more than two months.


A letter from a visitor to Lancaster headed “New Era editorial cartoon distorts Obama’s record” states: “The cartoon of President Obama blames him for all the misery America is experiencing now — unemployment, the housing crisis, poverty, slow economic growth, downgraded credit ratings, the budget deficit, just about everything except puppy mills….”

It goes on to conclude “Your publishing this cartoon calling Obama, ‘The most arrogant president ever,’ has convinced me that you are probably responsible for the election of Republicans who have led America into war, poverty, unemployment, the housing crisis and the financial mess we Americans have to endure since Bush was elected.”


In A column “A year into his term, Corbett’s true colors show”, Jeff Hawkes excoriates Governor Tom Corbett for “doing questionable things for questionable reasons.”

Among Corbett’s many failings pointed out by Hawkes:

“The state constitution says legislative districts must be compact and contiguous. But presented with a scheme that split communities and improved the odds of fellow Republicans, Corbett showed his true colors. He put partisanship above principle.”

Jerry Sandusky’s book, ‘Touched,’ helped police investigation into alleged sex crimes

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS: …And it took Sandusky himself — through the pages of his autobiography, “Touched” — to help police find Victims 3, 4, 5 and 7. At the end of 2009, police had spent almost a year trying to corroborate claims by a single boy — a 17-year-old Clinton County teen later known as Victim 1 — who had alleged years of sexual abuse by Penn State’s legendary defensive coach.

LETTER: A proposal to put convention center to historic use

The Scranton Times Tribune editorial entitled “Fracking still a big unknown” is ominous. This is especially so since Scranton PA, being the center of the coal region, has a wealth of experience to draw upon when it says: “But the state government must do much more to ensure that the industry does not emulate the coal industry, which created relatively short-term wealth and long-term environmental consequences that have yet to be resolved”.