Tag: featured

Changing Priorities: Science Funding Slashed Under Corbett Administration

FROM THE STATE IMPACT / NPR: Mem­bers of Penn­syl­va­nia Gov. Tom Corbett’s admin­is­tra­tion rou­tinely insist their Mar­cel­lus Shale drilling pol­icy is based on science. But doc­u­ments obtained by StateIm­pact Penn­syl­va­nia, as well as inter­views with more than a dozen peo­ple who work both inside and out of state gov­ern­ment, high­light top-level deci­sions to dimin­ish or defund drilling-related sci­en­tific research in the com­mon­wealth.

U.S. factory output surges in December

From USA TODAY / AP: U.S. factory output surged in December by the most in any month in 2011, offering the most visible evidence yet that manufacturing is roaring back from the recession’s depths even as declining prices at the wholesale level shows inflation remains in check, according to two reports out Wednesday.


In his column “Make peace with Joe”, Assistant Sports Editor Mike Gross reports on the recent King of Prussia meeting of Penn State president Rodney Erickson and about 650 Penn State alumni at which time heated discourse took place concerning the precipitous, late in the evening, callous firing of Joe Paterno as football coach:

Steroids at Penn State?

From the NDNATION.COM: Take note, Pennsylvania residents, as Attorney General, Governor Corbett stalled the investigation of Sandusky in an effort to avoid any negative backlash in the gubernatorial campaign. If Corbett didn’t pull a Paterno, Sandusky might have been arrested long ago.