Tag: featured

LETTER: Cannot afford despair

“I articulate the deepest-felt values of the American people,” Newt Gingrich

We need to examine this claim against his many “articulations”. Does he not also articulate our fears, our ideological biases, our stereotypes, our anger? Does he really articulate the “deepest-felt values of our “better angels”?


Editorial entitled “We are …in deep denial over the Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal, as some Penn State alumni show. The university does share in it, and Joe Paterno does NOT deserve an apology. He and others had an obligation to do more to protect children.”

WATCHDOG: The editors’ position smacks of ‘holier than thou.’ Several reporters at the Lancaster Newspapers voiced objections concerning the Convention Center news coverage to their superiors. But none went to the Philadelphia Inquirer or the New York Times to criticize what was taking place. Do we really expect that they would have?

Exit Poll Shows SC Voters Made up Their Minds Late

…RELIGIOUS VOTERS: Almost two-thirds of voters in South Carolina said they are born again or evangelical Christians, and about one-quarter said it was deeply important that a candidate share their religious views. Voters in both groups preferred Gingrich to Romney…

EDITOR: It appears that, rather than rejecting Gingrich due to his history of extra marital relationships, the evangelical Christians have embraced him for his outspoken repentance.