Tag: featured


The lead news article “2 studies on Convention Center fiscal problems ongoing” reports: “Convention Center Authority Executive Director Kevin Molloy made headlines last month when he called for county commissioners to increase the county’s hotel room tax.

Ronald Reagan missed the target

The following are excerpts from “Republic, Lost, How Money Corrupts Congress – and a Plan to Stop It?” by Lawrence Lessig, a professor of law at Harvard Law School: “As [Ronald] Reagan described, quoting (who he said was) Alexander Fraser Tytle): ‘A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

The Paterno scapegoating disgrace

TAMPA TRIBUNE: …. Mr. Paterno did everything he should have done in this situation. He reported the allegation he received second hand to school officials and to the campus police. He never eye-witnessed any act on a child. All his knowledge and that of a multitude of others were hearsay rumors.

2011 County Hotel Room Rentals remains flat

The Office of the County Treasurer reports that tax revenue from the Lancaster County Hotel Room Rental Tax and the Hotel Excise Tax increased from $5,945,691 in 2010 to $5.982,631 in 2011, a scant increase of $6,940 or 0.001%.

One hotel with 77 rooms was adaded in the fourth quarter of 2011. Some of the larger (over 200 rooms) facilities are not doing very well.

Path Is Found for the Spread of Alzheimer’s

From the NEW YORK TIMES: Alzheimer’s disease seems to spread like an infection from brain cell to brain cell, two new studies in mice have found. But instead of viruses or bacteria, what is being spread is a distorted protein known as tau. The surprising finding answers a longstanding question and has immediate implications for developing treatments, researchers said.

Impact of hotel room sales tax on community

During the “Public Comment” opportunity during the Lancaster County Commissioners weekly meeting, NewsLanc publisher Robert Field volunteered the following: I would like to comment on the recent request by Kevin Molloy, Executive Director of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority, that there be an increase in the hotel room sales tax to enable the center to remain solvent and the Tourist Bureau to continue to be funded.