Tag: featured

Who to fear more than a used car dealer

Hospitals will charge the cash paying patient around 2 ½ times what they charge a health insurance company. Pharmacies decline to carry economical generic brands. A popular erection drug costs ten times as much at Rite Aid as the generic version available via the Internet from abroad.

The best of 2011: a hangover

I wasn’t motivated to make a ten best list for 2011. After looking over a survey of world critics in “Sight And Sound,” (the journal of the British Film Institute,) I was even less inclined. The overwhelming majority chose “Tree of Life” as their best or second best. And then the much appreciated “A Separation,” which wasn’t playing in this country at the time…

LETTER: Kevin Molloy is worth every penny

I basically agree with the points Mr. Gleiberman makes in his well thought out letter, with one important exception. I still attend every LCCCA board and committee meeting that I can, and I’ve become as familiar with the project as any ordinary citizen can. I’ve seen Kevin Molloy in action, heard his reports, and seen the consequences of what he does.

Corbett again targets colleges

From the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Editorial: Gov. Corbett’s proposed state budget could be a prescription for disaster for higher education in Pennsylvania. The total $27.13 billion spending plan would avoid tax increases, but deeply cut funds for most state colleges and universities.

Supreme court erred in ‘Citizens United’ decision but not as popularly believed….

In “Republic Lost”, Legal scholar and Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig points out that the Constitution places no restrictions per se on free speech, from whatever source…individuals, unions or corporations. He says “…in my view, the corporate speech actually at issue in the [Citizens United] cas – a video about Hllary Clinton, produced by a nonprofit political corporation – should have been free of regulation by the government.”