Survey: Nearly 1 in 4 Americans binge-drink


Nearly a quarter of all Americans have participated in binge drinking, and 8.4% have used an illicit drug in the past month, a new report says.

Data released Thursday by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration suggest that North Dakota has the highest percentage of binge drinking (five or more drinks on one occasion), and 29.8% of those 12 and older reported binge drinking in the past month. Utah ranks lowest at 14.1%.

The report also found that 6.4% of Americans had used marijuana in the past month and 10.8% in the past year…

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EDITOR: The problem on college and university campuses is very serious, with students studying hard during the week and then binge drinking at parties often with resulting promiscuity.  Dating and the steady boyfriends and girlfriends seem passe’.  The pressure to imbibe before reaching the legal age is intense and the law, by and large, is ignored.   This is a problem that administrators do not want to publicize and feel powerless to do much about.

Question:  Is it safer for students to  binge drink or to smoke a couple of joints?
