Editorial ”Don’t scoff” relates “As arrest warrants pile up, it’s easy to think you can get away with not paying fines for traffic and other violations….In a county with a population topping 500,000, more than 56,000 arrest warrants are waiting to be served.”

WATCHDOG: Forget the warrant.  Give them the ‘boot’!

After three outstanding violations for a vehicle, simply attach the device to a tire that prevents it from moving.  It is as effective as towing and much easier, faster and cheaper.    Install a ‘boot’ ten times each day, especially in high pedestrian traffic areas where they can be seen, and people  will soon be responding promptly to summons.

Updated: October 3, 2010 — 11:05 am

1 Comment

  1. Lancaster City already does this, purchasing more “boots” so more scofflaws can be convinced to pay up.

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