Romney Begins Making Closing Argument to Voters


Sharpening his message ahead of voting in Iowa and New Hampshire, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama is pushing to make the United States more like Europe. Romney’s allies, meanwhile, continued to aggressively criticize his chief rival for the GOP nomination.

Romney, a former businessman, was expected to tell voters in an evening speech that his policies would turn the U.S. into an “opportunity society” while Obama’s would create an “entitlement society” with more people dependent on government welfare….

“Campaign finance law has made a mockery of our political campaign season,” Romney said Tuesday on MSNBC. “We really ought to let campaigns raise the money they need and just get rid of these super PACs.”

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EDITOR: This would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.

Europeans by and large have a higher standard of living than we do in the USA.  This is demagoguing the out dated belief of ‘American exceptionalism”

Concerning super PACs”, he knows very well that the Supreme Court has ruled that they are legal and nothing, short of a Constitutional Convention, can do away with them.

Too bad that Romney has had to contort himself from being an Eisenhower Republican into a Tea Party puppet.
