Public Tilts Toward Debt-Cap Compromise


Republicans who have refused to compromise with President Barack Obama to avoid a U.S. debt default are heeding the anti-tax wishes of their conservative base but are also risking isolation from many independent voters as public opinion shifts in favor of getting a deal done, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.

The poll of 1,000 adults, taken July 14-17, found a dramatic shift in attitudes toward the debt-ceiling debate as the public tunes in to the issue that is consuming Washington. A plurality of Americans—38%—said the debt ceiling should be raised, against 31% who said it shouldn’t…

EDITOR: According to reports on MSNBC, the poll showed an almost two to one plurality  for revenue enhancement as part of any deficit closing package.   Apart from Tea Party members, Republican senators are currently scurrying to speak well of the Gang of Six compromise proposal.  They read the polls too and the President has been kicking their a- -.

As pointed out by a commentator, cutting Social Security and Medicare may over time harm the Democrats much more than raising taxes will injure the Republicans.   But…as John Maynard Keynes said… in the long run we are all dead!
