Postmaster says days are numbered for Saturday mail delivery


Falling mail volume and soaring red ink may soon doom Saturday mail delivery and prompt three-day-a-week delivery within 15 years, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe warns.

Donahoe’s forecast is based on a projected $8.3 billion loss this year as the drift from paper to electronic communication hammers the Postal Service. “On Sept. 30,” he told the USA TODAY editorial board Tuesday, “I won’t be able to pay my bills.”…

Mail carriers have been making rounds six days a week since the 19th century. After postmasters started talking about cutting back, Congress mandated the six-day delivery in 1983…

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EDITORIAL: Donahoe has one of the worst jobs in America, heading up a declining business with no prospect for the future but things getting worse.   He runs perhaps the biggest business in America and is compensated well but modestly as compared to CEOs of other large firms.
