Obama backs deal on US debt


There was new hope on Capitol Hill that a sweeping deal to increase US borrowing authority and slash the nation’s deficits by $3,700bn over ten years was within reach, after Barack Obama backed an agreement among a group of Democratic and Republican senators…

The deal proposed by the “Gang of Six” – which includes Dick Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, and Republican Tom Coburn, a fiscal hawk who has challenged his own party’s support for tax breaks for certain companies – would stabilise US debt by 2014, possibly satisfying rating agencies who have threatened to downgrade the US debt rating.

Although details were scarce, a summary of the plan said it would include $500bn in immediate deficit cuts and create a framework for further savings. These changes would include a “fundamental reform” of the US tax code that would reduce marginal income tax rates; abolish the $1,700bn alternative minimum tax, which hits middle class Americans; and reduce tax deductions and other loopholes for certain industries and individuals. It would also reform Medicare and Social Security, the government health and pension schemes…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: We are going to “reduce marginal income  tax rates”?
