No Labels, a Nonpartisan Group, Unveils Its Plan to Fix Congress


…Most of the following dozen proposals don’t require new laws or any new spending, and they don’t favor any party or particular cause. These are simple, straightforward proposals. They can be adopted when the next Congress convenes in January 2013.

1. No Budget, No Pay: Congress has passed its spending bills on time only four times since 1952. Recent failures to pass a timely budget led to significant disruptions of public services. No Labels believes that if Congress can’t make spending and budget decisions on time, it shouldn’t get paid.

2. Up-or-Down Votes on Presidential Appointments: As of late 2011, more than 200 presidentially appointed positions remain unfilled, as senators of both parties have held up nominations, sometimes for trivial reasons. No Labels believes that all presidential nominations should be confirmed or rejected within 90 days of the nomination being received by the Senate…

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