
    Providing Greater Lancaster with an Alternative Source for Local News and Commentary _________________________________________________________
  November 17, 2006                                   Publisher: LLC                                    Volume 1, Number 15
Q: How many Clipper Magazine Stadiums could be built for the cost of the convention center / hotel project?

A: Seven!

The total cost of the stadium was $24 million.

The proposed convention center / hotel project is about $180 million.

People Poll Challenge! will contribute $500 to a charity of Lancaster Newspapers' choice if they will run a 'People Poll,' asking: "Do you support taxpayer guarantees for the convention center project?"
Photos reveal Convention Center sponsors misled public
about Watt & Shand structure:

It's steel, not wood has obtained photographs of the Watt & Shand building during the demolition process that clearly show that the building behind the fa�ade was supported by steel beams and steel columns, not wood as represented. [Photo available at:].

However, in a letter to the editor of the Intelligencer Journal published on December 20, 2005, Nevin Cooley, President, Penn Square General Corp, and David Hixson, Executive Director of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority, wrote&

"May we repeat? Behind the [Watt & Shand] facade stands a collection of wood-framed buildings that are completely unacceptable for use in any modern commercial project. They cannot be 'renovated'. Not for this project, not for any other project." [Complete letter available at:].

When shown a photo, April Koppenhaver, Co-founder, Lancaster First, commented: "For some time I have publicly asserted that the Watt & Shand structure was sound and suitable for renovation and reuse. It is a Lancaster tragedy that the truth only becomes apparent as a result of the landmark building's demolition.

"I urge District Attorney Donald Totaro to open an investigation into this and other incidents of false information being provided by the sponsors of the convention center project."


Project litigation backfires; cost certification required!

Last week, the County Commissioners notified M & T Bank of Judge Joseph Madenspacher's Opinion that the Convention Center Authority must certify it has secured adequate funding to complete construction before M & T approves disbursement of construction bond funds.

According to the Nov. 9 Intelligencer Journal, Convention Center Authority counsel John Fenningham commented,
"Shame on the commissioners for continuing to try to have an adverse impact on the project, especially when they lost in the courtroom on these issues."

"Shame on" attorney Fenningham for trying to obscure the importance of the judge's decision. Judge Madenspacher's requirement that complete funding be certified may ultimately present an obstacle that project sponsors cannot overcome.


New Era deceives readers in bid to discredit Commissioners

The Lancaster New Era ran the following headline November 10, 2006: "Conestoga View making money when sold. Financial records reported in monthly meeting minutes show nursing home turning profit at time of sale in September 2005."

Yet, towards the end of the article it contradicts the headline by stating: "It's hard to determine the precise
financial situation from the minutes of 2003 and 2004 because complete accounting is not provided.. All figures represent operating cash flow in and out of the facility. Depreciation was never mentioned in any of the available reports. But the commissioners did consider capital expenditures in their decision to sell."

The monopoly Lancaster Newspapers
continues its practice of misleading headings and biased reporting of the County Commissioners and the Convention Center / Hotel Project.

The Newspapers are a 44% sponsor of the project.

The County Commissioners have sought to avoid expansion of taxpayers' guarantees of the convention center.


Poll Shows 4 Out of 5 County Residents Oppose Taxpayer Guarantees for Convention Center

In November 2005, Fox 43-TV engaged national pollster Opinion Dynamics Corporation to conduct a survey of 500 Lancaster County residents on their opinion of the proposed downtown hotel / convention center development.

The results showed that approximately
four out of five (78%) with an opinion opposed taxpayer guarantee of bonds for the project. The complete survey is available at


Talk Back!
Make Your Voice Heard.
Write a letter, make a call:

Edward G. Rendell, Governor
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg PA 17120
(717) 787-2500
E-mail the Governor here.

Gibson Armstrong, State Senator
(717) 787-6535

Mike Sturla, State Representative
(717) 295-3157

J. Richard Gray, Mayor, City of Lancaster
(717) 291-4701

Ernest Schreiber, Editor
Lancaster New Era
(717) 291-8733

C. Ray Shaw, Editor
Intelligencer Journal
(717) 291-8650

Marvin Adams, Editor
Sunday News
(717) 291-8788