Article “Healthier food, lower prices” opines “Without undue prodding by the White House or congressional fiat, Walmart is taking it upon itself to provide healthier food choices  for consumers….First lady Michelle Obama, who recently launched a nation-wide anti-obesity campaign, says Walmart’s plans have ‘the potential to transform the market place and help Americans put healthier foods on their tables every single day.’

WATCHDOG: Theodore Roosevelt referred to the presidency as a great “Bully pulpit” , recognizing the opportunity for moral suasion, and Michelle Obama, as have first ladies before her, has make good use of it for a worthy purpose.  However, she is not advocating an unpopular cause.  Witness the number of vegetarian restaurants springing up in metropolitan areas which serve better educated customers.

Based on statistics collected by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2010, Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent, 02 June 2010, in 2007 the average per capital consumption of livestock and poultry in the United States was 123 Kilograms per human, slightly down from prior years.  In comparison, the next largest consumers of meat from major nations were Spain at 119; Canada at 98; trending downward, Italy stable at 92; and France at 86, down 12% since 2002; and Germany at 88, up from 82 in 2002.

It also reports world average meat consumption is 46.6 kg per person per year.

Sometimes we can have too much of a good thing.  In this case, too much for our own good!

Updated: January 29, 2011 — 9:50 am