Largest Pa. state workers union ratifies contract that freezes pay this year and provides 10.75 percent in raises over the next three years


By a 4-1 margin, members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 13, which represents 45,000 state workers, ratified their four-year agreement reached last month with Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration…

The contract provides for a pay freeze in the first year, followed by three general raises and three longevity increases over the following three years totaling 10.75 percent. It also calls for two fewer sick days and in the fourth year, a higher employee health insurance contribution, along with other benefit changes.

“The negotiating team knew that we had a very fair deal and obviously the membership has agreed,” Fillman said. “We’re pleased we have labor peace for the next four years.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: 10.75% increase over three years seems excessive during a time when the state is reducing funds for schools, libraries and the social safety net.  The increase seems excessive to us given the general condition and the sacrifices being made by other government employees.
