Independent News and Commentary for Lancaster City and County, Pennsylvania LLC, Publisher

Inside NewsLanc

People Poll? will contribute $500
to a local charity of the Intelligencer Journal's choice if it will run a 'People Poll' asking:

"Do you support public guarantees of Convention Center Project debt?"

Think the Convention Center
is Still the Only Option?

Lancaster city is progressing with or without it, thanks to diverse efforts. Read more...


Our mission is to provide an alternative source of coverage and comment from the monopoly Lancaster press. We will provide news without spin, editorials without vested interests and personal attacks, and vigorous discussions by the public on the important issues concerning Lancaster County.

If you like what you see, spread the word among family, friends, and co-workers. And let's hear from you. Please send any comments to, or, P.O. Box 17, Bausman, PA 17504.