Lancaster Community Bikes off to flying start; Bikes would be made available for residents to ride on short trips to Lancaster Central Market, city parks and neighborhood coffee shops” opens :

While chatting recently with friends at his local hangout, the Chestnut Hill coffee shop, the city businessman began talking about rehabbing old bikes and making them available to the public.  That was a month ago.  Since then, the community bikes idea has taken off like a 21-speed Cannondale whizzing down a steep grade.”


This is a page out of Amsterdam,  Holland, where bikes are ubiquitous and pedestrians are invited to jump on and leave them at a rack near their destination.   Perhaps they can be painted bright red and restricted to downtown.

Better bikes than empty street cars clogging the streets.   Furthermore, bikes to ride will likely engender more publicity and be a bigger tourist draw.

Updated: July 10, 2010 — 7:51 pm