If New Jersey can regulate medical pot, why can’t Pennsylvania?


…Christie wanted more of an iron-clad immunity and asked the feds for clarification. Last month a different deputy attorney general issued a different memo, saying that individual U.S. prosecutors would call the shots on any crackdowns — but that going after certified medical users wouldn’t be a priority.

How’s that for clear thinking? Christie, himself a former prosecutor, was able to read the smoke rings and determine New Jersey had minimized its risk.

For Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett, the calendar remains unflipped from 1972, as far as any legitimate use of marijuana is concerned. That’s the year the Nixon administration ignored the findings of its drug task force — led by a Corbett predecessor, the late Gov. Raymond P. Shafer — and classified marijuana as a Schedule 1 (most dangerous) drug. Shafer’s panel recommended decriminalizing possession of small amounts and urged the federal government to consider its therapeutic potential…

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1 Comment

  1. Most of PA is too ultra-conservative. Pennsylvania has been called Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between, and there is a LOT of truth to that statement.

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