Honoring those who challenged the Convention Center Project

Earlier this month, NewsLanc published “The $63.6 million convention center ‘swindle’: Who were responsible?”

Below are NewsLanc’s nominees for a Convention Center Project Honor Roll of individuals and institutions who exposed to considerable risk and criticism by challenging the feasibility of the project as gleaned from Newslanc’s Convention Center Series.

Lancaster can take pride that the ‘good guys’ (and ‘gals’) outnumber the others by over two-to-one.

We welcome correction of any persons deserving inclusion who were unwittingly omitted.


R(obert). B. Campbell, City Controller
Robert Canton Pricewaterhousecoopers Withdrew earlier report due to CC enlargement
Randolph D. Carney, a/k/a. ‘Artie See’ Effective media critic and researcher
Peter Chiccarine Hotelier who was a vociferous critic of project
James N. “Jim” Clymer Constitutional Party Candidate for Commissioner
Jack Craver Nationally prominent retired hotel executive County appointee to LCCCA Board
Laura Clampitt Douglas County appointee to LCCCA board
Robert E. Field, NewsLanc publisher
Fox-43 Sponsored poll indicated 78% public opposition to government guarantees.
Deb Hall, County appointee to LCCCA board
Ron Harper, Jr. Early objector
Chris Hart-Nibbrig Reporter for NewsLanc
Molly Henderson Democrat Minority Commissioner Exhibited extraordinary courage
Clyde Horst Board member of Fulton Bank who questioned CC project feasibility
Howard Kelin, Esq. Special counsel for Commissioners
Mark A. Kenney, MAI Substantiated that all studies to date were only Market Studies, not Feasibility Reports
April Koppenhaver Outspoken art gallery owner
Luis Mendoza City Council Wanted to see the Ernst & Young market study
Pannell, Kerr, Forster (PKF) Feasibility Report recommended downsizing or another use of the site
Professor Heywood Sanders Outside expert who challenged feasibility of CC Project
Dick Shellenberger Republican Chair of County Commissioner Adhered to his convictions
James Sneddon Freelance reporter for NewsLanc Disclosed LCCCA irregularities
Bert Winterbottom LDR International Recommend CC as extension of Brunswick Hotel
Mike Winterstein School Distsrict of Lancaster Board Member who wanted hotel fully taxed


1 Comment

  1. The honor roll does not include Commissioner [Craig] Lehman who voted against the plan.

    EDITOR: We should have made clear that the Honor Roll and Dishonor Roll apply to what took place during the development of the Convention Center Project, not after its opening.

    There is a lot of credit to go to those dedicated board members, employees and county officials who have endeavored to make the best out of a very bad thing.

    However, we favor Commissioner Scott Martin Plan. We remain in awe of his courage on taking on this ‘tar baby’ at the risk of what otherwise was almost a certain political future. And as undesirable the further bond guarantee was, we had recommended it because it was deemed the only way to reduce the intereste rates on the bonds.

    We should not blame Martin for the ongoing sins of S. Dale High and the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.

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