The following is from an April 22 editorial entitled “Giving Life:

More than 80,000 people are waiting for a kidney transplant in America, and every year about 4,500 die while waiting…Pennsylvania’s new Democrat, Senator [Arlen] Specter, is sponsoring a bill that would give government entities the ability to provide material compensation to donors such as tax credits or coverage of funeral expenses – that fall short of direct payment, but still compensate the donor when alive, or his or her family upon death…This is dangerous moral territory. Once financial incentives of any sort enter the equation, people are deduced to merchandise, their body parts just another consumer product to be traded and devalued.”

WATCHDOG: Try telling that to the 4,500 and their loved ones. Three wags of the tail for Specter.

Updated: August 10, 2009 — 7:54 am