For Corbett, lottery privatizing is a game of chance

PHILLY.COM Column: PENNSYLVANIA’S push to privatize its lottery – or, as I like to call it, fixing a problem that doesn’t exist – presents political risk and opportunity for Republican Gov. Corbett….

There’s a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court, filed by District Council 13 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; some lottery employees; and some Democratic lawmakers, including Philly Sen. Tina Tartaglione and Rep. Mike O’Brien…

The deal requires a sign-off from Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who gets 30 days to review it; state Treasurer Rob McCord says that he won’t pay a private contractor until he’s certain it’s legal; and state Auditor General Gene DePasquale could rain down audits on anything post-deal that smells even a tad suspicious…   (more)


1 Comment

  1. “And the current lottery works well.”

    Works well for who (or whom)? The lottery brings in over $3 billion/year and only 1/3 goes to the seniors. Where, I would love to know, does the other $ 2 billion/ year go?!

    The lottery commission has had nearly 40 years to correct this pay-out ratio imbalance. Let’s give someone else a chance to better serve the seniors.

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