Elizabeth Warren Challenging Sen. Scott Brown Would Have Voters ‘Thrilled’: Massachusetts Democrats


In the most overt sign of political courtship to date, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Democratic Party said on Monday state voters would be “thrilled” to have the consumer protection advocate Elizabeth Warren take on Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) in 2012.

“Many Democrats in Massachusetts are proud of the fight Elizabeth Warren has waged for consumers and would be thrilled if she decided to take on Scott Brown,” Kevin Franck, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Democrats, told The Huffington Post. “No question she would make an exciting addition to an already rich field of Democratic candidates who know how to energize voters and build on our grassroots successes in 2010.”

The statement, which comes on the same day that the White House formally announced it would not be nominating Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is noticeable for a variety of reasons. Until now, the party has generally kept its encouragements for a Warren Senate run to private channels. Warren, a Harvard Law professor who has spent the past year staffing and building up the CFPB, has been frequently discussed as a potential challenger to Brown, but party officials have not wanted it to appear that they are drawing her into the race…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Republicans may come to regret they didn’t confirm Warren as head of the consumers’ protection agency.
