Difference between armed robbers versus white collar thieves

EDITOR: We came across this comment attached to an report on Bank of America stock value dropping below $5.

The ONLY difference between an armed robber who goes into a bank wearing a ski mask and steals 75 thousand dollars and a white collar crook who works on Wall St. and steals 75 million is that the white collar crook can afford a good lawyer while the ski masked robber ends up with a public defender.

This analogy is exactly what’s been going on in this country for far too long , the big banks want to use their depositors and customers money for their own gain to make their own stocks & shares more desirable at the inconvenie­nce & loss of their customers / depositors – just to pacify the shareholde­rs & upper echelon.

They deserve what they’ll get. It’s time that the banking / financial industry took a good hard look at itself.



  1. This article reminds me of a memorable line from the book “The Godfather.”

    “A man with a briefcase can steal more money than a man with a gun.”

    Very true! Very true!

  2. In my mind the punishment should be pro-rated. If a $7500 thief gets 10 years, a $75,000,000 thief should get 100,000 years. Seems fair to me.

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