Tom Corbett squanders golden opportunity

From ALTOONA MIRROR Editorial:

…While and the General Assembly were able to reach a budget deal on time and without broad tax increases in a difficult budget year, the governor has been largely absent in taking on the tough issues Pennsylvania is facing.

Coming off a strong election win and with his party in control of the House and Senate, this should have been the year that Corbett really made his mark and shaped the future of Pennsylvania. Who knows if Republicans will keep their majorities in the House and Senate after the 2012 elections?…

From Marcellus Shale drilling and impact fees, to transportation funding, to privatizing the state liquor stores, to school vouchers, to zeroing in public attention on how to address the state’s financial needs over the long term, Corbett should have been out front constantly focusing public attention on the issues and his solutions…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: After years of  apoparent neglect concerning Sandusky  as Attorney General, Tom Corbett sure did get out in front in firing Coach Joe Paterno and his adversaries at State University system.


1 Comment

  1. He does governor like he is an attorney general, pushing political persecutions against perceived enemies. Isn’t going to lead on anything other than witch hunts and personal vendettas.

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