COMMENTARY: The mindset of ignorance

It is the job of good journalism to notice that the “emperor wears no clothes” and report that. But “the emperor” has many uncritical followers.

Such is the case with policies. It was immediately obvious to NewsLanc that the placement of the proposed Lancaster Township fire station/emergency services structure across Atkins Avenue from a residential neighborhood would be bad planning, would kick up a huge protest, and was of questionable zoning legality. But when we stated this, acknowledging that our publisher had a vested interest in the matter, we were scorned by some local fire fighters and one, impervious to facts and reasons through private correspondence, impugned our integrity.

So what did we learn? There had been a misunderstanding and the newspaper report was not accurate. It was not the intention of the Township to propose a location fronting on Atkins Avenue, but rather to place the building adjoining the rear of Planet Fitness and other commercial properties fronting on Millersville Pike. (NewsLanc had proposed placing it alongside Planet Fitness but the alternate makes equal sense.)

A private drive way will permit emergency vehicles access to both the Millersville Pike and Atkins Avenue. A portion of the park will remain as a buffer from the residential neighborhood.

We need to listen with an open mind and respect to those with whom we disagree, perhaps even more so than we do those who share our views! (We read first thing each morning and rarely read The Nation.) Then we can work together to find approaches which are, for the most part, mutually acceptable. Or, after a good attempt, we can respectfully agree to disagree. (We should never acquiesce to predators and deception.)

There will always be benighted individuals who will refuse to note that the emperor is naked and attack those who say so. These people seldom recognize, let alone acknowledge, that they were wrong.


1 Comment

  1. It takes everyone working together to solve alot of problems. I am very proud of the comments that you wrote. Thank You and everyone who works at NewsLanc for trying to give us the truth on a daily basis.

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