Broke city doesn’t need Public Arts Manager

ABSOLUTELY crazy!!!  The City is broke yet has money for a new position when the County is at least trying to eliminate positions as they are opening to save money.

Lancaster City is shrinking in the well kept and well policed areas and is creating more low income neighborhoods.  Moreover, hundreds of slum lords are getting away with dozens of violations.

The small business owner that needs to make a living from their business is also disappearing.  The artists and business owners that do not depend on income from their shops and studios are not enough to build the AUTHENTIC promotion.  Meantime, back at the ranch, taxes are rising in the city; and the water resource, that brings in the bucks and has hundreds of thousands of people hostage, is going up 40% to help replace the work that should have been done with funds that were used elsewhere.

The percentage of homeowners that are paying more taxes per month than their mortgage payment is alarming.

NOW this group of professionals and that is being generous want to hire another overpaid professional to go and find money to develop this wonderful artistic area!

Let me tell you what is happening.  There is someone lurking in the bushes who has been promised this cushy position at least as long as the current administration is at the helm but of course it has to be put out to the public.  I bet on a repayment of a big favor at the cost of again the TAXPAYERS.
