Bradley Manning and the miscarriage of justice

From ALJAZEERA Column:

Last week, after an astounding 567 days in prison, Bradley Manning – the US Army private accused of leaking the WikiLeaks documents – finally began his pre-trial hearing. …

When Manning was held at Quantico military base earlier this year, he was shamefully subjected to extremely harsh, even torturous, conditions. He was forced to sit alone in his cell for 23 hours a day, was barred from exercise or socialising with other inmates, and stripped naked at night – all despite showing no behavioural problems.

Over 250 law professors, including President Obama’s Constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School, Laurence Tribe, signed a letter calling the treatment of Manning illegal, unconstitutional and possibly torture. Former State Department spokesman PJ Crowley, the State Department’s lead critic of WikiLeaks, was even forced to resign when he called the treatment of manning “ridiculous and counter-productive and stupid”…

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