Assault upon Ben Vonderheide

I was very disappointed in your initial comments about the assault  upon Ben Vonderheide.

Even if Mr. Vonderheide had been violating videotaping rules, which he did not, your suggestion that that was justification for a physical assault was disappointing. I would like to think I know you. You’re not a barbarian.  As the politically correct are wont to say, there is no excuse for domestic violence.

Mr. Vonderheide’s actions did not result in a physical touching of the perpetrator. She engaged in a criminal act of assault and battery on his person and deserves to be reprimanded and arrested. I request that you re-post the film, support his position, and call for an investigation.  Please keep in mind that this physical assault occurred by woman outside the Domestic Violence Against Women’s Act hearings.


1 Comment

  1. Mr Vonderheide was physically assaulted in a Federal Building. If the situation were reversed and a woman was behind the camera, the public would demand justice. I was pleased to see that you retracted your initial statement and provided supporting documentation regarding filming in Federal Buildings.

    It’s important that we keep the public informed on a wide-range of issues including the accepted abuse of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). False reports of abuse take away much needed resources from those who are truly in danger for example: Last year in Pennsylvania, a Sheriff’s Department was so inundated with serving PFA’s that they could not reach a legitimate source in time and a woman lost her life. It was covered all over the news for about a week, then it disappeared; no follow-up on improvements to policy.

    I understand that Mr. Vonderheide’s asks questions that make others feel uncomfortable. His tactics don’t always conform to polite society and his videos make the guilty cringe with embarrassment. I am grateful he is out there ~ ringing the bell and sounding an alarm. We need to wake up as a Nation; yes, even here in Lancaster County.

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