Americans fed up with constant political gridlock


Members of Congress care more about their own re-election campaigns than about the nation’s economy. Leaders in the House and Senate spend all their time battling. The White House won’t take charge.

A pox on the lot of them.

So say many Americans after weeks of watching political wrangling over how to cut spending and whether to raise taxes as part of a deal to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by Aug. 2 so the federal government won’t have to default on its loans for the first time…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The deficit issue was a matter for budget negotiations.   By making it an issue concerning paying debts, the Republicans turned raising the  debt ceiling performed 86 times in the past into a national disgrace and possible  worldwide disaster.   Let’s hope the public is smart enough to place the blame where it belongs come 2012.  However, we wouldn’t hold our breath.
