Month: December 2008

What’s happening around Lancaster this week

Monday night (Dec. 8 ) at 8:00 p.m., a lecture titled “Learning from Katrina” will take place at in the Bonchek Lecture Hall of the Barshinger Life Sciences Building on F&M’s campus. “Jed Horne, Pulitzer Prize winning author Topic: Learning from Katrina – Disaster as a Laboratory for the Urban Future Horne, formerly editor of […]

Authority to nominate 2009 officers

The following appeared as a “Legal Notice” in the Intelligencer Journal on Dec. 8. “Notice is hereby given that the Nominating Committee of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority will convene a Special Nominating Committee Meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2008, at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of recommending and nominating officers to the full […]

Who pays for railyard study?

NewsLanc and TRAACCC want a public study of alternate locations for the railyard relocation? Who pays for this, taxpayers in general? And since the railroad has already said that none of the proposed alternatives are viable, what happens if the taxpayers pay for the study and the railroad reiterates this conclusion? TRAACCC simply doesn’t want […]


In “County recalls the end of Prohibition”, the Intelligencer Journal / New Era recalls “It was Prohibition, a 13-year experiment in regulating the nation’s morals, which ended 75 years ago Friday, leaving a legacy of violence and bloodshed.” WATCHDOG: It is an informative and fun look at Lancaster’s past that merits reading. Today a large […]

Intell / New Era conceal TRRAAC’s objections

The combined Dec. 6 edition headlines “$10M for rail yard move; New site’s opponents slam Rendell’s grant” It would appear that either reporter Dave Pidgeon or the editor purposefully deleted reference to the principle TRRAAC objection: There has yet to occur a study by the authorities of alternate locations that may better serve the public’s […]

A Satisfying “Frost/Nixon”

by Dan Cohen Frost/Nixon is first of all, stirring entertainment, provided you come to it with some knowledge of the period. I expected the predictable, but quickly found myself delighted by its multifaceted approach. The story and its many characters are revealed with intelligence, wit, and that most important of dramatic virtues, suspense. Director Ron […]

Questions NewsLanc source re $10 million grant

“Your article says the $10 million State grant is to connect the streets. City officials told me Lancaster City needs to pay to connect the streets with its own funds. “Lancaster City plans to pay for this with a bond sale paid for with funds from a Tax Incremental Finance district, 50% of all increased […]

Cover-up at the prison?

I have learned that the mother of the prisoner who allegedly committed suicide in the Lancaster County Prison is quite alive. I have not confirmed this but hope to tomorrow. This is a huge, horrible cover-up by the prison and LNP. How about some truth to power newslanc? Chris Hart Nibbrig did the one excellent […]

Railyard information being withheld

…this money was only for the street relocation and not the actual move of the railyard. This is why the public should have the opportunity to review the application [to relocate the railyard]. If this project provides all of the benefits touted by the project partners and governor, then it should have been able to […]

Library System’s outrageous rent

After Steve McDonald made his presentation I was appalled at the rent they are paying!!! That is outrageous!! Read the minutes when posted of this weeks meeting. [Susan] Hauer vowed to be present every meeting and the Commissioners sincerely have a deaf ear.

$10 million NOT for rail yard relocation?

According to a NewsLanc source deemed reliable, the $10 million is from the Capital Budget item inserted last July by Senator Gibson Armstrong. It apparently is for the extension of certain streets to open up the Northwest and reconnect it to the city. It is all part of the larger Northwest Gateway Project. The source […]

LETTER: TRRAAC response to $10 million State check

“This announcement [of Governor Rendell delivering a $10 million check for rail road yard relocation] is a slap in the face to the taxpayers of the Commonwealth. Despite local opposition to the relocation of the rail yard into residential neighborhoods, and with virtually no public notice or opportunity to participate in the process, the Governor […]