Month: December 2008

Ask the mayor

In reference to your question: “Why doesn’t the city charge plumbing inspection fees?” I was wondering that myself when I read the news coverage of the last council meeting. Why don’t you call City Hall and get the answer for us (since Lancaster Newspaper dropped the ball again on this issue)? Editor note: Thanks. We […]

Center construction team falls 12 more days behind in November

Construction of the Convention Center has fallen further behind schedule, Construction Manager Tim Reynolds told a Convention Center Authority committee, Thursday evening. Progress on the “critical path” is now a full 60 days behind schedule after site work fell behind another 12 days in November, according to Reynolds. Reynolds attributes the “slippage” to poor weather, […]

Authority’s current officers to continue in 2009

A special nominating committee of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority met late Thursday afternoon and voted to retain its current slate of officers for 2009. Sharron Nelson, who chaired the committee, explained that she contacted each of the parties involved and all agreed that the current arrangement is working well. Julianne Dickson made the […]


“Auto companies: repair yourselves” is the heading to a Dec. 10th editorial. It goes on to opine: “The $15 billion is only a down payment of what General Motors, Chrysler and Ford will request to get through the financial crisis.” It then sagely states: “Bankruptcy might benefit the bloated auto industry. It might require executive […]

NewsLanc acquires Post circulation boxes

Fourteen Lancaster Post red distribution boxes are back on the streets, this time identified by temporary NewsLanc bumper stickers. To our current readers, their presence is of little importance. But it is a way for drivers and pedestrians to become aware of NewsLanc, to sample our work, and hopefully to be attracted to our website.

COMMENTARY: Counterproductive punishment?

By Matt Henderson Drug addictions are physical dependencies and those affected have very high relapse rates. Addicts in a state of withdrawal are not themselves and will sometimes lash out in antisocial or criminal behavior either in generalized frustration or in trying to find money to support their habit. With this in mind, consider that […]

Prohibition doesn’t work, E-Town Prez tells Rotary

Prohibition doesn’t work. That’s the message Elizabethtown College President Dr. Theodore “Ted” Long had for the Rotary Club of Lancaster on Wednesday afternoon with regard to drinking on college campuses. Long called instead for what he considers a more realistic and comprehensive approach – one that relies heavily on education and carrots and sticks as […]

Fighting West Nile Virus

The county commissioners this morning approved the expenditure of a $108,235 state grant on partnering with the Pennsylvania State University to control the spread of West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. In 2008, 10 of 849 samples from 192 test sites throughout the county tested positive for the virus, according to Matt Mercer, the West Nile […]

Convention Centers offering financial incentives

According to a Dec. 8 article in the McClatchy-Tribune Regional News, “Convention centers always wheel and deal to win trade shows and conventions, but the negotiations tend to be held behind closed doors.Now, with the economy in a tailspin, a number of cities are rolling out sweetened financial incentives and broadcasting their availability.”It goes on […]

Newspapers in financial trouble

Publisher and broadcaster Tribune Company, owner of the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. NewsMax and CNBC News have reported that The New York Times is seeking to mortgage their office building in New York in order to cover a $400 million debt payment coming due in a […]

County directs state grant to Manor Twp. rail trail project

At their weekly worksession on Tuesday, the county commissioners agreed to transfer sponsorship of a $1M state grant to Manor Township “to convert five miles of abandoned trail bed along the Susquehanna river into a recreational trail for joggers, bicyclists, and horseback riders.” The five miles of railway to be converted run from roughly Turkey […]