Month: December 2008

Will Intell / New Era follow Detroit model?

According to a Dec. 16 posting on the Detroit News web site, Detroit’s morning and evening newspapers will publish on alternate days, Monday through Saturday, thus reducing production and distribution costs for both. They will also push their online editions. David Hunke, Free Press publisher, is quoted as saying “We’re fighting for our survival.” Over […]

Bulova building made better CC site

When the negative PKF convention center feasibility study was done in 2006 there was still time to change course. The consulting firm had it right but the powers that be did their usual circus act to make the nay sayers look stupid. This convention center of ours could not have been put in a worse […]

The Last Hurrah… A Library Dream Unfulfilled

It had been the aspiration of the then-President of the Lancaster Public Libraries, Karen Haley Field, and her husband and the project manager, Robert Edwin Field, that a fully renovated and expanded Lancaster Public Library on Duke Street would be in large part a gift of both their combined efforts and a major grant. The […]

Streetcar backers’ motivations differ

In answer to your question about streetcar backers, I would suggest that both options are correct. While I have questioned the motives of some with regards to other ill conceived projects, most specifically the convention center, I honestly believe there are those who deceive with selfish/profit motives, PSP; and those who push the project because […]

Streetcar advocates: Ignorant or deceptive?

(Better late than never department) Addressing the Lancaster Rotary Club in February, 2008, Tim Peters who directs the “Lancaster Streetcar Company” indicated that many other cities, including Memphis, Little Rock, and even nearby Media, Pennsylvania, have implemented streetcar systems with success. On an idle December Sunday afternoon, NewsLanc decided to research Peters’ assertion via the […]


The Dec. 14 editorial “Citizen victory” boldly proclaims: “Rejection of shopping center is testament to the will of neighbors who took on the developer. Drumore Township supervisors should follow their example.” WATCHDOG: We propose that the Sunday News follow its own example of urging support of neighbors. It should call for Franklin & Marshall College […]

Media genuflect to auto industry

With the auto industry the largest national advertisers, it is perhaps understandable, albeit yet regrettable, that media coverage so often allow auto spokespersons to talk nonsense without contradiction. The prime example is the bugaboo that bankruptcy will lead to the closing down of GM, Ford and Chrysler and the loss of hundreds of thousands of […]

Library SYSTEM, not funding, half the problem

Yes, libraries in Lancaster County are disgracefully under funded, often run down, and unable to provide adequate education and recreation as compared to the rest of the country. But there is a second side to the problem. According to the Dec. 14 Sunday News article too cutely headed “Book bound by budget tightening”, System executive […]

Commissioners: During recessions, thrift is waste!

Last month, a public spirited citizen, trained as an economist and a very successful businessman, delivered three copies of John Maynard Keynes “The General Theory of Economics” to the commissioners. Perhaps the point was too subtle, but the message was, according to Keynes, that cutting the budget during a recession is the worst possible thing […]


The Dec. 13 editorial was headed “Armstrong served state and city well” and goes on to say: “The job’s important, but the day you leave office you’ll be forgotten pretty quickly, easily.” The New Era went on to say “That won’t be true of Armstrong. He served eight years in the House and 24 in […]


Dec. 13: “If you know a good-news story in your neighborhood, call New Era Editor Ernest Schreiber and let him know. Dials 291-88750 weekdays.” WATCHDOG: Viewers may want to give Schreiber a call and tell him that the “good-news” is that the Watchdog is looking over his shoulder. For example, since exposed by NewsLanc in […]