Month: July 2008

What’s Happening Around Lancaster This Week?

Here’s a look at what’s happening around Lancaster this week: From July 5th to 27th, Theater of the Seventh Sister presents: Seed of a Nation: Lancaster and Penn’s Holy Experiment. “Beginning with the founding of William Penn’s ‘Holy Experiment’ and culminating with the American Revolution, this play explores the conflict that results when beliefs collide […]

EDITORIAL: No journalistic courage

How sad it is that not one of the three Lancaster Newspapers will write critically about the proposal to put trolley cars back on city streets, let alone challenge the project editorially. LNP’s approach of supporting business cronies (especially the Big Five), not investigating anything, and never offending the establishment continues. The only improvement, and […]

"[Rail] Transit oriented development does not work."

On July 6 at or about 11 AM, C-SPAN radio presented a delayed broadcast of speakers at the Conference of American Dream Coalition that took place on May 17, a segment of which was devoted to Houston, TX and the alleged detrimental effect on visitors and businesses due to the introduction of Light Rail Transit […]

Trolleys: “Pie in the sky”

Those millions will be wassted to fund studies and salaries for a project that is pie in the sky. There should be a grass roots group to find out all the facts then blow it wide open. The city needs sewers, water pipes, soooo much infrastructure but all that can be passed onto the property […]

Trolley funding an outrage

If this is funding for “streetcars,” this needs to be stopped immediately! Who gave them any authority to do this? How is a trolley different than a bus? I really don’t have words for this outrage. This is an outrage!


Its July 6 front page headlines “Faith not paying bills: Amish and Old Order Mennonites, who don’t believe in health insurance, are facing personal and financial catastrophes.” WATCHDOG: The title is disingenuous. What it should say is “Lancaster General Hospital has been price gouging Amish.” The article itself reports fairly and touches, if ever so […]

Lancaster County share of State Swag

The following grants relating to Lancaster County were included in the State Budget as passed and signed on July 4. However, the list below is not all inclusive, since there are references to other grants elsewhere in the Bill. (36) Lancaster County 4 (i) County projects 5 (A) Acquisition, infrastructure, 6 renovations, construction and other […]

LETTER: Freight yard, trolleys, PAM funded by new budget

Pennsylvania HB 1589 was signed into law on July 4th, 2008. Several provisions were added at the last minute, resulting in Printer’s No. 4129: *(I) CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER RELATED COSTS <– 26 FOR THE CONESTOGA PLAZA PROJECT 5,000,000 27 (J) ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION, 28 ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION, 29 INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER RELATED COSTS 30 FOR THE […]


The Post’s July 4th edition features “Puff Piece…of the week; How does the Kool-Aid Taste, Gil Smart” which pokes fun at the Sunday News lead article of June 29th titled “Confidence building: Optimistic city merchants say Penn Square project is but one of the factors in an increasing robust downtown.” WATCHDOG: Now that Chris Hart-Nibbrig […]

“Who the hell does Armtrong think he is”

Did you happen to see this article on Senator Armstorng’s son and his running from the law during a weapons search? And in typical politician fashion, Senator Armstrong attempts to pass legislation against the deputy and their “power”. I am not surprised that this article ran in the Lancaster Newspapers on a Friday (and […]

Trolley car hype based on false premise

The following is but one of an ongoing series of reports on the reality of street (trolley) car systems which proponents have cited as example of successful operations. A Sept. 9, 2007 Sunday News article on a proposal to bring trolley cars back to Lancaster downtown streets quoted Jack Howell of the Lancaster Alliance, and […]


In its July 4 lead story “Sen. targets game officials; Takes action after son pleads guilty to violations”, the Intell shows sadly belated courage by finally, in the waning months of Senator Gibson Armstrong’s final term, publishing news that on its face is testimonial of the Senator’s arrogance and disregard of the public good in […]