Month: July 2008

Stevens & Lee up to old games in Reading?

Reading Mayor Thomas McMahon has retained Stevens and Lee to negotiate an agreement with a developer, Ed Giannasca. Stevens and Lee has also been retained as Bond Counsel for the TIF that will accompany this agreement. Council believes this is a clear conflict but Stevens and Lee disagrees. Stevens and Lee contributed a large amount […]

Philadelphia CC $100 million over budget

According to the July 12 Philadelphia Inquirer, Governor Edward Rendell says that expansion of the city’s downtown convention center is “getting to the point where the cost will outweigh the benefit.” The article goes on to state “Officials now acknowledge that projections show the rapidly surging prices of those commodities, as well as copper and […]

Deja vu Lancaster Independent Press

So, the Lancaster Post thought this was going to be easy? An alternative paper in Lancaster, PA? You should have checked with some old LIP staffers – we saw this stuff every single day. Every single day. Did you for one minute think they would give you a chance? For one minute?

LGH not ranked on magazine’s list of 170 hospitals

Lancaster General Hospital was not ranked among the “170 hospitals” by U.S. News & World Report, in their recently-released 2008 report on “America’s Best Hospitals.” Nineteen of the 170 hospitals were named to its Honor Roll. Although the publication offered no overall ranking of many of the 170 hospitals, including LGH, it did score LGH […]

June Progress On Target, Convention Center & Hotel 53% complete

Construction at the Convention Center & Marriott Hotel is now 53% complete, Lee Wolniak of Capital Construction Management told the Convention Center Authority Thursday evening. This represents a total expenditure to date of $55,927,021. Progress proceeded on schedule for the month of June. Construction progress remains 31 days behind schedule for the year. Recent progress […]


In an editorial of July 10, the New Era states: “Some observers say hospitals should give Amish and Mennonites a substantial price break all their own… “But Tom Beeman at LGH told the Wall Street Journal that Holmes’s request was unrealistic and unfair and simply would shift the burden of payment to all other hospital […]

New Era blames Amish

Did you read the Editorial in tonight’s Lancaster New Era? The editor stated in the 13th paragraph that Tom Beeman is “right” in that the Plain community should be more financially responsible for their healthcare. The entire editorial is an embarrassment to the tradition of the Amish as the editorial places blame on the healthcare […]

Presentation of Harrisburg Pike Study on July 30

A formal presentation will take place by the Steering Committee for the Harrisburg Pike Transportation & Land Use Study on July 30, 2008, at 313 W. Liberty Street, Lancaster, PA 17603, according to an announcement by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. An open house will commence at 6:30 PM. The invitation states “for additional information […]

City & Township now have dual police forces

According to an Opinion Letter prepared by a prominent law firm, Franklin & Marshall special police may well have police standing within 500 yards of the campus and any other property owned by the College. Since the residence provided to its president John Fry is situated in the middle of School Lane Hills, that sedate […]

The Orwellian "double speak" of F & M

In response to an inquiry of Franklin & Marshall if there were plans to tear down the Harrisburg Pike pedestrian overpass, NewsLanc received the following response from Dulcey Antonucci, Director of Media Relations: “To answer your question, our long term master plan that was approved in February of this year does include removal of the […]

What’s the angle?

What I don’t get about the trolley: I can see that the Convention Center Project and Crossings yield big profits…..why is the trolley getting rammed through? I don’t see the profit motive. And why is Jack Howell such a cheerleader for it?

“Some neighbor”

I noted your watchdog piece on LGH gouging the Amish. I had a similar experience feeling LGH’s benevolence. A dispute with our insurer left some unpaid anesthesia bills (The anesthesiologist’s bill was $1,600, and LGH’s bill for anesthesia ‘services’ was $1,400) following a dependents recent hospitalization. I negotiated a $500 settlement with the anesthesiologist, but […]

Gov. Study Commission: No district reps

In a decisive 9-1 vote, the Lancaster County Government Study Commission voted, Tuesday afternoon, to reject member Sam Mecum’s proposal for each of the five Commissioners to be elected from one of five geographic districts. The districts would have been roughly equal in population size (about 94,000) and the district plan would have eliminated the […]

Director Reveals Eye-Opening Statistics about Local Addiction & Incarceration

When Director of the Lancaster County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Rick Kastner, appeared before the Commissioners for routine business, Tuesday morning, he brought with him some eye-opening statistics about the prevalence of substance addition right here in Lancaster County. An amended agreement up for a vote by the Commissioners on Wednesday involves increasing the amount […]