Median wage falls to lowest level since 1998

ALJAZEERA: Last year the median wage hit its lowest level since 1998, revealing that at least half of American workers are being left behind as the economy slowly recovers from the Great Recession.

But at the top, wages soared — the latest indication in a long-running trend of increasing inequality, with income gains going to top earners while the majority of workers see stagnant or falling wages…

The median wage — half of workers make more, half less — came to $27,519 last year, virtually unchanged from 2011. Measured in 2012 dollars, the median wage was down $4… (more)


1 Comment

  1. From the article –
    All these data illustrate how Washington is failing to address one of the most basic needs of the American people: work.

    Unfortunately it’s not just Washington that misunderstands this concept. Many groups in Lanc county beat the “affordable housing” drum without focusing on the other half of the equation – jobs and income.

    Replacing our industrial sites with housing developments and, in the case of Armstrong – F & M soccer fields, does not create jobs and reduces the value of the affordable housing already in place. A little more focus should be placed on keeping the jobs near the population rather than sites like recent developments in far-flung locations like Gap, Ephrata, and E-town.

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