LETTER: RCLC has allowed individuals to stack committees with friends

We can not allow are senate and congress seats to be taken by bought and paid for politicians.

My committee man sent me this article and it makes my blood boil and confirms all of my suspicions. The RCLC is a good organization and we care about are county. But we have allowed certain individuals to stack committees with there friends who are as corrupt as the day is long.

I have known Scott Martin through the committee for years. He is not a politician. Scott Martin is a statesman and he cares about this county. Martin for Senate!



  1. I just took part in the last straw poll. As someone with no real ties to any of the candidates I can honestly say I have no idea how anyone could vote for Neal Rice over Scott Martin or even Ethan Demme. Scott hit it out of the park. He is a bit too conservative for my taste but Scott has always been a straight shooter and I know he cares about our county.

    Some younger committee members were talking about getting free parking and raises for district attorney staff if they voted to push out Scott Martin and vote for the Rice guy. I don’t like what is going on and even on my committee we have too many county employees being promised way too many perks if they get Scott Martin out of the way.

    This goes far beyond political stunts. This is corruption and criminal in my opinion.

    I agree with another poster that we need an open primary. My area chair is a nice woman and is very fair. But I know she is even concerned with all of the back door wheeling and dealing.

    The committee is suffering because of a self serving incoming politician and his minions who tell everyone they are protected by Dale. It was equally surprising to see our county chairman running for a national delegate seat??? How can we trust Dave to make sure our straw poll process is fair if Dave is a candidate???

    For the integrity of our committee we need to stand against these games.

  2. I know there are other qualified candidates who have backed out of running because of this “stacked committee”.

    I know a woman who would be perfect for the Congressional seat who is beholden to no one. She didn’t run out of respect for the integrity of the party. Perhaps this a sacrifice that should never have been made.

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