Editorial “Dry town keeps Snooki away” relates: “[Ocean City, New Jersey] residents flocked to the polls on May 8 and soundly defeated a ballot question that would allow customers to bring their own beer or wine to restaurants… BYOB supporters sell short Ocean City’s appeal to families whovacation there precisely because they want to steer clear of the Snookis and The Situations who frequent other communities along the shore.”

WATCHDOG:   A wag of the tailWe admit to not knowing “Snookis” and “The Situations”, whoever they may be, but we do know that not only are the beaches clean and safe at Ocean City, NJ but one need not worry about youngsters going out on the boardwalk on their own during the day and in the evenings.  Not only are the authorities omni-observant, but there are scores of parental eyes watching the kids at every moment. 

Ocean City is a shore resort spots where teenagers are not binge drinking, with potential dire consequences to them and others. 

As the natives like to say about Ocean City:  “Dry streets, wet porches.”

Updated: May 19, 2012 — 7:13 am