Harrisburg City Council lawyer questions 1999 land deal involving William B. Lynch, DCED secretary C. Alan Walker


The man Gov. Tom Corbett has tapped to lead Harrisburg’s financial recovery efforts, retired Air Force Maj. Gen. William B. Lynch, was part of an aborted land deal that wound up costing the state roughly $437,000 in 1999, a state audit shows.

And the audit claims the man whose family’s companies received the bulk of the money — $326,259 — was C. Alan Walker, now secretary of the state Department of Community and Economic Development, which is responsible for overseeing Harrisburg’s fiscal-recovery efforts.

Then-state Auditor General Bob Casey Jr. condemned the failed land deal in a 2001 audit detailing what would have been a $4.4 million expenditure in 1999 to buy land in Girard and Goshen townships in Clearfield County through six purchase agreements…

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EDITOR: Gov. Tom Corbett and cohorts  pushed out an honorable receivor and appointed their buddy  Lynch.
