Getting eye to eye with children

One of the things parents tell me about smoking cannabis is how much more it puts them in touch with their kids and how it reduces the urge to punish them corporally. In fact, these are both really important to parents, and if there was some way to integrate these notions, eg.,

“I never had time to play with my kids until I stopped and smoked a joint. Now I appreciate every moment with them.”


“My kids were so loud and demanding that I wanted to smack them, but instead I smoked a joint and gave them the attention they needed. Know what? That worked a lot better.”


“My day at work was so demanding and frustrating that when I came home I was just a hair’s breadth from flying off the handle. My kids deserve better. That’s why I smoke a joint and relax so we can enjoy dinner and family life together.”


“As a parent, I have my own problems and it’s hard for me to relate to my kids, but when I’ve smoked some cannabis I find that we can get down on the floor, eye to eye, and discover the world together again.”


1 Comment

  1. Is this a joke…….

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