Congressmen Skip Out On Town Halls After Facing Voter Opposition

From the HUFFPOST:

Too much yelling, not enough listening.

Facing organized, often raucous confrontations at political events, some members of Congress this summer abandoned the long-time tradition of open meetings with the folks back home.

It was goodbye to one of the few remaining opportunities for voters and lawmakers to talk face to face…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Another tragedy brought on by ideologues.

We can recall Arlen Specter (and others) holding well publicized public meetings in Lancaster at least once a year at which he would report on his doings and then ask for a show of hands of those with questions, count the number, and then listen to and reply candidly to each and every one. This was a demonstration of transparency and accountability.

We  also remember walking through the Capitol and U. S. Senate office buildings some thirty ago without passing through security or being considered out of place. One could virtually rub elbows with legislatures chatting among themselves and with aides in the corridors.
